Buttersquash Ranch

Sunday, September 28, 2003  

Here's another try.

Tom Padgett Googlebomb Villanelle

Tom Padgett is a deadbeat dad.
Google now will know this soon
Because that bastard made me mad.

He made his children very sad
By acting like a fucking loon
That Thomas Padgett, deadbeat dad.

This villanelle is rather bad,
To make a rhyme, I throw in June,
Because Tom Padgett made me mad.

As father, kids would rather Vlad
Than Tommyboy, with his old tune,
That sad Tom Padgett, deadbeat dad.

May Google rankings, no mere fad
Make Padgett's face a wrinkled prune
Because that bastard made me mad.

I hope that Tigger shrieks "Egad!"
I hope this sends him to the Moon.
Because that bastard made me mad,
That jerk Tom Padgett, deadbeat dad.

posted by buttersquash | 8:07 AM
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